全ての音楽家は皆さんの前で自分を曝け出して演奏することで成長させて頂くのです。。Gary Burton, Dizzy Gillespie, Quincy Jones, Jon Hendricks, そして2021年の2月に天国に旅立ったChick Corea。僕が素晴らしい先輩のレジェンドたちからその成長のチャンスを与えてもらったように、これからの時代を担う若い音楽家たちにそんな場所を創りたいという思いだけで、相棒の神野三鈴とともにこのプロジェクトを立ち上げました。ここに集まる音楽家たちは、抜群の才能と音楽性を兼ね備え、謙虚に真正面から音楽と向き合い、ポジティブなエネルギーに満ち溢れています。今後彼らは目を見張る勢いで変化し続け、眩いほどの光を皆さんの心に届けルことに出来る音楽家になると信じています。
新型コロナによるパンデミックの先に少し光が射してきた今、残念なことにロシアがウクライナへ侵攻を始め、その戦争は2022年6月現在まだ続いています。音楽という芸術はジェンダーや肌の色はもちろん、言語や思想までも超越して人の心と心をリアルタイムで繋いで行きます。こんな今だからこそ「良い音楽」は必要です。 “From Dusk till Dawn” (日没から夜明けまで)という言葉がありますが、このプロジェクトは美しい地球をオゾン層に例え、そこから昇ってくる光をイメージして命名しました。
小曽根 真、 神野 三鈴
All movements around the world have been stopped, infections have killed many lives, and people around the world are still facing anxiety. Not only we professional musicians, but also the places where many next-generation artists with great talents who are about to fly will meet you, and you will be deprived of the time and opportunity to be refined.
All musicians grow by exposing themselves and playing in front of you. Gary Burton, Dizzy Gillespie, Quincy Jones, Jon Hendricks, and Chick Corea who left us in February 2021, just as I was given the opportunity to grow by these great legends, I started this project with my partner Misuzu Kanno, centering on young musicians who will lead the future. The musicians who gather here are already possessing outstanding talent and musicality, but humbly face the music head-on, and are full of positive energy. I truly believe that they will continue to change and grow with remarkable momentum and become musicians who can bring dazzling light to your heart.
Recently, Russia has begun to invade Ukraine now that a little light has shined ahead of the pandemic of COVID-19, and the war is still going on as of June 2022 very unfortunately. The art of music transcends gender and skin color to start with, as well as language and various thoughts, and connects people's hearts and minds in real time. "Good music" is needed now because of this. There is an expression in English “From Dusk till Dawn”. This project likened the beautiful earth to the “OZONE layer” and named it with the image of the light rising from it.
I'm really excited for you to meet the rare talents of future stars full of creativity and their wonderful sensibilities.
May the dawn be a world full of music that you have nurtured, not a desolate world.
Makoto Ozone & Misuzu Kanno
Design director by Risa Nishimura