2022年3月31日と4月1日の二日間、”From OZONE till Dawn” は再びブルーノート東京に戻って来た。
今回は「THE PIANO」と題し、武本和大と壷阪健登、そして小曽根真という3台ピアノ祭り。
ヤマハの協力でコンサート・グランド CFX を2台もブルーノート東京に持ち込み、3台目はFENDER のエレキピアノ “RHODES” を使用。ピアノ3台のトリオから始まり、それぞれのソロ、そして小曽根と壷阪、小曽根と武本とのデュエットまで1時間強では全然時間が足りないと思うほど、ピアノだけのコンサートは盛り上がった。演奏曲は壷阪健登がソロで演奏した「Good Morning Heartache」(ミニアルバムに収録)以外すべてオリジナルで、その壷阪健登が演奏したスタンダードでさえ、既に壷阪のオリジナル曲と言えるほどのアレンジでオーディエンスを完全に魅了。普段はよくトリオで聞くことが殆どの武本和大も自分のオリジナル曲「Tranquility」をソロで披露、あのブルーノートが静寂に包まれるほどオーディエンスの心を捉えた演奏だった。
March 31st and April 1st, 2022, “From OZONE till Dawn” came back to BLUENOTE TOKYO.
Only this time, with 3 pianos only with Kazuhiro Takemoto, Kento Tsubosaka, and Makoto Ozone, entitled “THE PIANO”
It’s not unusual to hear Piano Duet music, but it become dramatically “rare” as soon as you add the 3rd piano. It’s the nature of this instrument called Piano, as it can play all the music by itself. It already requires for the pianists to be a great listener when you play with another pianist in a duet format. So, you can imagine how challenging it is to put together 3 pianos and playing at the same time. But they knew that worrying was unnecessary once they started to play together. It was an instantaneous “Green sign” from the first note. You can see from their faces off those photos.
Many Thanks to YAMAHA Artist Services of TOKYO to provide two “CFX” concert grand pianos. And they’ve added Fender “RHODES” as the 3rd piano. The Performance began with The TRIO piece, and it led to variety of DUETS, and onto SOLO pieces. This show with 3 pianos with the length of a little over an hour seemed not long enough to explore the possibilities of making music with 3 Pianos. They played all original compositions except one standard that Kento Tsubosaka played. He did a solo version of “Good Morning Heartache” (recorded here) with such original and innovative arrangement. Kazu Takemoto played a solo piece of his own called “Tranquility” that completely mesmerized the audience.
This Concert definitely showed that the possibilities of making music with 3 pianos have no limit.
It’s not unusual to hear Piano Duet music, but it become dramatically “rare” as soon as you add the 3rd piano. It’s the nature of this instrument called Piano, as it can play all the music by itself. It already requires for the pianists to be a great listener when you play with another pianist in a duet format. So, you can imagine how challenging it is to put together 3 pianos and playing at the same time. But they knew that worrying was unnecessary once they started to play together. It was an instantaneous “Green sign” from the first note. You can see from their faces off those photos.
Many Thanks to YAMAHA Artist Services of TOKYO to provide two “CFX” concert grand pianos. And they’ve added Fender “RHODES” as the 3rd piano. The Performance began with The TRIO piece, and it led to variety of DUETS, and onto SOLO pieces. This show with 3 pianos with the length of a little over an hour seemed not long enough to explore the possibilities of making music with 3 Pianos. They played all original compositions except one standard that Kento Tsubosaka played. He did a solo version of “Good Morning Heartache” (recorded here) with such original and innovative arrangement. Kazu Takemoto played a solo piece of his own called “Tranquility” that completely mesmerized the audience.
This Concert definitely showed that the possibilities of making music with 3 pianos have no limit.