東京、丸の内のコットンクラブ 石川紅奈(ベース&ヴォーカル)、曲輪大地(トランペット)、デニス・フレーぜ(ドラムス)
小曽根真が惚れ込んだ抜群のグルーヴ感を持つベース、そしてそのベースに絡む独特なセクシーな彼女の声は一瞬にして多くの人の心を捉えました。フランス留学で実力を更に伸ばした曲輪大地のトランペットは透き通るようなサウンド。ドイツ・ハノーファー生まれ、通常のドラマーにはない繊細な音楽を表現できるデニス・フレーぜは作曲家としても素晴らしい音楽家。石川紅奈が弾き語りをする「Off the Wall」のスタジオ録音版を今回のミニアルバムでも収録!
August 2021, “Cotton Club” in Tokyo
Kurena Ishikawa (bass and Vocal), Daichi Kuruwa Trumpet, Dennis Frehse (drums)
This concert was an official debut of KURENA as a vocalist.
The groove she creates on her bass was what caught Makoto’s heart. And that unique and sexy voice of Kurena caught the hearts of many in an instant. The trumpet of Daichi Kuruwa, which has further improved its ability by studying in France, has such clear and beautiful sound. Dennis Frehse, who can express delicate music not found in ordinary Jazz drummers, is not only a wonderful musician but also is a wonderful composer. The studio recording version of "Off the Wall", which KURENA plays and talks about, is also included in this mini-album.
Kurena Ishikawa (bass and Vocal), Daichi Kuruwa Trumpet, Dennis Frehse (drums)
This concert was an official debut of KURENA as a vocalist.
The groove she creates on her bass was what caught Makoto’s heart. And that unique and sexy voice of Kurena caught the hearts of many in an instant. The trumpet of Daichi Kuruwa, which has further improved its ability by studying in France, has such clear and beautiful sound. Dennis Frehse, who can express delicate music not found in ordinary Jazz drummers, is not only a wonderful musician but also is a wonderful composer. The studio recording version of "Off the Wall", which KURENA plays and talks about, is also included in this mini-album.